Adopt regional competitiveness think model and main composition analysis with factor analyze theory analyze to the whole country 30 a large number of datum of district later. Obtain the rank saved in the national competitiveness in Jilin. 并应用地区竞争力评价模型指标体系及主成分分析和因子分析方法对全国30个地区的数据进行了分析,得出吉林省在全国地区竞争力中的排名。
Content: The full item factor analysis ( FIFA) method is an application that the item responds the theories in factor analyze. 全息项目因素分析方法是项目反应理论在因素分析中的一个应用。
Third, we discuss the temporal association rules mining algorithm of single event during the period of same temporal factor, cycle temporal factor and analyze the experiment results. 其次,讨论了单事件相同时态、周期时态内关联规则挖掘的两个算法,并给出了相应的试验结果。
Primary Approach to Influent Factor Analyze of Regional Development Environment 区域开发环境影响因素分析初探
Using the phase factor, we analyze the equivalency between fractional Fourier transform and Fresnel diffraction in the free space. The object is illuminated by sphere light wave. We give out the constraint condition which fractional Fourier transform change into Fresnel diffraction. 用波前相因子判断法,分析了分数傅里叶变换频谱分布与球面波照明物体的自由空间菲涅耳衍射光场分布的等效性,给出了分数傅里叶变换与菲涅耳衍射相互转化的约束条件。
One of the innovations of the paper is that we use factor analysis to analyze the performance roundly; 本文的创新之处有两个方面,一是运用了因子分析法,逐年、全面的对公司并购绩效进行分析;
This literacy uses Factor analysis to analyze the competitive power and advantage of Yingkou Port by choosing correlative factors. 本文采用因子分析法选取相关因素对营口港的竞争力及其竞争优势进行了分析。
On the basis of plant cell's totipotency theory, choose one factor trial and analyze the influence of three hormone, which are cell mitogen ( 6 BA) auxin ( 2,4 D) and auxin ( NAA) to the callus growth of Nove Cento's bulb. 在植物细胞全能性学说的基础上,采用单因子实验,分析比较了细胞分裂素6-BA,生长素2,4-D,生长素NAA等3种植物激素对路易圣特百合鳞茎愈伤组织生长的影响。
According to the concrete know from regional environment influence evaluation work, the article raises some concrete measures about regional environment influence factor analyze. 本文根据区域环境影响评价工作中的体会就区域环境影响因素分析提出了一些具体的方法。
Using Diffusion Factor to Analyze Cascade Exit Flow Fields with Leaned and Curved Blades 从扩压因子看叶片倾斜和弯曲对叶栅出口流场的改善
On the support of RS and GIS, the method of factor analyze has been used to value the eco-environment quality of Huangshan. 在遥感与地理信息系统技术的支持下,应用主成分分析法对黄山市生态环境质量状况进行综合评价,然后结合专题地图的编制规范,绘制了黄山市生态环境质量等级评价图。
Considering the gain compression factor, we analyze the transient process of gain and loss modulation again in order to check the influence of the gain compression factor on the feasibility of perturbation analysis. 考虑增益压缩因子的存在,重新分析增益调制和损耗调制的瞬态行为,目的是为了考查增益压缩因子是否会对小信号近似的有效性产生影响。
This thesis mainly uses synthetic factor analysis to analyze students 'resources of the university and construct the evaluating pattern. 本文主要利用综合因子分析法对高校招生生源质量进行分析和构建评价模型。
Combine influence factor analyze, ugly to produce floating of professionals have their oneself inherent regularity too. 结合影响因素分析,不难看出人才流动也具有其自身内在的规律性。
After discussing the security design about three factor, we analyze and implement the security in the Bond Block Trade System. 通过这三方面的安全设计,将证券大宗交易系统的安全统筹分析并实现。
Using The traditional four elements of factor analyze the constitution of refusing to pay labor remuneration. 利用传统四要件因素分析拒不支付劳动报酬罪的犯罪构成。
Set up in-phase and out-of-phase thermal fatigue model, analyze the difference between them. Finally, add the effects of creep factor, analyze the combined effect of thermal fatigue and creep on crack growth. 建立同相和异相热疲劳模型,分析两者的区别。最后,加入蠕变的影响因素,分析热疲劳和蠕变共同作用对裂纹扩展的影响。
Ask for help the way of Factor Analyze, Finding out produce or exhaust public factor on the whole an each section. 借助因子分析方法,找出各个部门产污,排污的公因子。
Section 3 measure the total education years and average education years in 2004 of China, and incorporate the factor analyze and synthesis appraisal method to constructed the variables system of education, which comprise quantities, qualities, and structures. 第3节测算了我国2004年地区截面人力资本代表指标&教育总年限和平均教育年数,并结合因子分析和综合评价方法,建立了包括教育数量、教育质量和教育结构的教育指标体系。
How factor to analyze the risks and avoid the risks effect in software projects is one of the main lessons that proceeds software risk 'manage. 如何对软件项目风险因素进行分析并有效地规避风险,从而致使项目顺利成功是进行软件风险管理的主要课题之一。
From the message itself in the ecosystem of the main factors, environmental factors, information factor will analyze the message to the media and the impact of media ecology: media to enhance the economic, social, and promote diversification of vector populations and so on. 从短信自身生态系统中的主体因子、环境因子、信息因子切入,分析了短信给媒介、媒介生态带来的影响:提升媒介的经济、社会效益,促进媒介种群多样化等等。
This article chooses structure of import and export trade manner as factor to analyze of the correlation between the real effective exchange rate of the RMB and import and export trade manner structure. 本文选择更为具体的进出口贸易方式结构作为因素,分析人民币兑美元实际有效汇率与进出口贸易方式结构之间的相关关系,更有针对性。
The reason is respectively demonstrated in the two processes of transferred into and out. Part ⅵ: factor analyze on constraining the current rural land flowing. 在分析农地流转过程中农户意愿及行为差异原因时主要是分为转入和转出两个过程分别说明。第六部分:制约当前农地流转的影响因素分析。
This paper takes transportation accessibility, information and economic globalization as the dominant factor; analyze economic spatial structure of the status quo, with formation and change of spatial structure and important space units of Nan-Bei-Qin-Fang urban agglomeration. 本章以交通通达性、信息化和经济全球化因素为主导,从南北钦防城市群空间结构的形成与变迁和重要的空间单元入手,分析其经济空间结构现状。
For improving the efficiency of client cache, we define the cache distribution factor, analyze the parameters affecting caching performance, and derive caching weight of the segments. 为了提高客户端缓存的效率,我们定义了缓存分布因子,指出了影响缓存效率的因素,并研究了视频数据段的缓存权重。
But these methods are not perfect. This paper use the Factor analysis to analyze the evaluation index. The analysis is to select the common factor, in order to achieve dimension reduction of indicators that can lose less information. 本文构建的绩效评价体系首先利用因子分析法对所选择的评价指标进行因子分析,筛选出公因子,以达到对指标尽可能损失较少信息的降维。
By using a single variable method to suppose the other factors influence of the high fill embankment slope, change the reduction factor to analyze the impact of safety factor of slope. 采用单一变量法假定影响高填方路基边坡的其它因素,通过改变折减系数分析其对边坡安全系数的影响。
Then we disposes the data on the use of statistical methods such as item analysis and exploratory factor analysis to analyze employees psychological contract content and structure of private enterprises at the present stage of China. 对调查收集到的数据运用项目分析、探索性因素分析等研究方法进行了分析,探讨了中国现阶段民营企业员工心理契约的内容和结构维度。
Then it uses the exploratory factor analysis to analyze the collected questionnaire data and gets the structural model of counterproductive work behavior, which is further validated with the confirmatory factor analysis of the structural equation model. 然后运用探索性因子分析对回收的问卷数据进行分析,得出反生产行为的结构模型,并运用结构方程中的验证性因子分析对该模型进行验证。
Firstly, I used independent sample T examination and single factor variance to analyze and compare distributive features among different groups of university students on employment anxious. 通过独立样本T检验和单因素方差来分析比较就业焦虑在不同大学生群体中的分布特点,并归纳出其中的主要成因和次要成因。